Group Tours
Group tours are available Thursday April 10th and Friday April 11th, and must be scheduled in advance. Tour times are listed below. For more information or to register your group for a tour, please email Shaun at shaunshenk83@gmail.com. Please include the name of your organization, approximate number of tour participants, and preferred tour days and times.
Thursday, April 10, 2025
Schools and Groups are welcome to schedule a tour. School tours are between the hours of 8am-5pm. Group tours are between 9am-4pm. For more information or to schedule a tour, please email Shaun at shaunshenk83@gmail.com.
Friday, April 11, 2025
Schools and Groups are welcome to schedule a tour. School tours are between the hours of 8am-6pm. Group tours are between 9am-6:30pm. For more information or to schedule a tour, please email Shaun at shaunshenk83@gmail.com.
SATURDAY, April 12, 2025
Groups are welcome to schedule a tour between the hours of 9am-6:00pm. For more information or to schedule a tour, please email Shaun at shaunshenk83@gmail.com.